Review Policy

Thank you for taking the time to read this page.
I am happy to blog for your store but before you decide to start sending me your products, please read the following to make sure I am the right blogger for you.

I don't really do "reviews" I mostly just put together outfits and post credits for the items used.

I try to post 3 or more outfits a week however my weekdays can tend to get pretty busy at times and when that happens I am left with only weekends, but I do try and share my looks as often as possible.

I can't promise that I will blog every item recieved, but I can promise to work in the items that best fit my style when piecing together outfits.

If all of these things sound ok to you then I really look forward to blogging for you! Please feel free to contact me in world.

Pinkie Bubble <3


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